
Preschooler Music

The renowned music educators, namely, Dalcroze, Kodaly and Orff, believed that the study of musical instruments should begin only after one has acquired the skills of hearing, moving to music, discerning basic rhythms, singing basic tonal patterns and intervals.

The reading of music notation involves not only intellectual knowledge but also physical sensations. Like any other language, the “language of music” should be mastered through a process of listening, speaking/singing and then writing/performing.

The Preschooler Music curriculum provides children with movement and listening activities. Musical concepts are taught through the use of audio and visual props, flashcards, puppets, percussion instruments, and singing-games.

Objectives (Module 1):

1. Gathering concentration & focusing attention
2. Recognizing beats & responding with movement
3. Developing steady pulse & playing with percussion instruments
4. Building listening skills relating to dynamics, tempo, pitch and rhythm
5. Introduction to music literacy

Objectives (Module 2):

1. Aural perception of pitch & rhythmic skills
2. Understanding of musical symbols & vocabulary as well as keyboard geography
3. Developing a strong sense of pulse, tempo & rhythm
4. Developing aural skills concerning rhythm and pitch
5. Preparing the child for playing a musical instrument

Admission requirements:

1. Minimum age of 2 years 6 months
2. All students must purchase the percussion kit and My Music Exploration books

Preschooler Graduate Course Outline
The Preschooler Graduate course aims to help lay a good foundation for students to play the piano well. Thus, the materials are presented in a systematic and logical way so that the students are able to learn the basic skills of fingering and note-reading.